Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Well, here we are: finals 2012. I wish I could say that I am feeling excited, happy, and successful this week, but alas, the general gloom is still settled a bit on my heart. Combined with stress, it's not working out real well for me. But is it normal to feel great on finals? Let's do a flashback:

Finals Spring 2011: This was a very mixed-emotion time. Leaving Olaf was one of the saddest, hardest things I've done, and I knew I was leaving behind a relationship that really made me happy, on top of that. The stress of graduating really got to me, too- I remember freaking out when my family was all at Olaf. But I also got a 4.0 this semester and it bumped me up to my goal GPA for graduation, plus there was so much celebration in the air.

Finals Spring 2010: A confusing, but happy time. Getting ready to move to Oregon to participate in an REU, not encumbered by any relationship but with a prospect that was making me giddy, and a lot of new friends that I was very excited about. Plus I was going to move into WB in the fall- how awesome was THAT going to be!?

Finals Spring 2009: Thinking back this far is difficult. I had just found out I was going to India in the fall.... and I was taking vertebrate bio and doing a hilarious failure of a final project with Erin Seybold... I was living in Rand, but my roomie was living with her bf so I remember being lonely at times... but I was dating a SWEETHEART of a guy and I'm sure that I was excited to get home to be with him. It was my brother's high school graduation... here is a pic of me with said sweetheart and my bro's friend.

Finals Spring 2008: Oh yeah, drama spring. This was the year that I was struggling to finish CH/BI, the course of my nightmares, I was breaking up with Bryce (who is still one of the MOST important people in my life) and I had broken a guy's heart and was regretting it (the sweetheart from Spring 2009). I was also about to start my first summer at Camp Sturtevant, which I may not have known it, but that would be life-changing, positive experience for me!

So anyway, the point of this blog is: my heart got broken this semester and I'm still reeling. But drama happens, and every finals is like a door to another stage of life. Looking back, I can see how big every step was and it makes me think... what awesome stuff is headed my way? Maybe I wont just survive, maybe I'll thrive.

1 comment:

  1. You know what? I think you are 100% right. And I think it's just about change! Even if it's just a small change, doing anything outside the norm is a bit terrifying. And even if you're excited about it, it's normal to be a little gloomy about changing what you've been doing!
    But look how many crazy awesome amazing things you've done so far! Of course you'll survive, and I believe that you'll love whatever you do next!
